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About Me
My name is Bryanna Charite. I am currently an IUPUI freshman which I plan to pursue my Nursing degree. I love sports, mainly basketball. I am a CNA and currently work with Graceful Aging Home Care and I absolutely love it. My dream career is to be a pediatric nurse.

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nicholas barclay


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Writing Project 1
For my first writing project, I wrote a film review on the documentary "The Imposter." This is a psychological documentary that focuses on a man pretending to be Nicholas Barclay who is supposedly missing.



Immersion Experience
Writing project 2, I wrote a feature narrative on my experience on taking a psychology class but mainly focusing on the mental health chapter. Through this experience I gained knowledge about these health issues which helps relate to my future career.

Multi-Modal Overview
Here I explain my process in creating this wonderful ePortfolio and the challenges I went through to develop these new skills in my writing.
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