W131 Semester Reflection
This writing piece summarizes what I learned and the main experiences I have had throughout the semester in this class!
When sitting on the couch getting ready to start my classes which were all online due to this pandemic, I never expected to enjoy this class and yet learn so much from it. This W131 class was very different from the one I took back in high school and I am so glad that I was able to retake this class and read with more confidence, having a target audience and revising. Doing so, of all three of my writings I chose to update writing project one and writing project two. I was able to draw on each skill and make them even better, which is why I was able to accomplish a multitude of course goals and develop my writing skills during the semester.
The first writing project was a bit challenging for me but after moving forward and learning new writing skills I was able to go back to revise and make the writing stronger. Writing project one consisted of watching a documentary of my choice and compose a film review. I chose the film, "The Imposter," directed by Bart Layton because of the relation to psychology. I had little experience doing a film review back in high school and not so much was asked for so this was still new to me. However, through this process I, of course did my best studying the film and focusing on the characters action. Watching this documentary I did other research, analyzing other articles that were commenting on the documentary to write my review. Doing this has improved my confidence in reading and writing. My completed draft wasn't as strong as I wanted it to so I had to find areas I lacked which was towards the end and revise it to a stronger writing. Revising has helped me improve my reading skills and analytic skills. I learned to challenge my own ideas, deepening and strengthening my argument. The first writing project also allowed me to shape and edit my writing to suit my target audience's needs. When writing any type of paper, you always have to think about who you're writing it to and if it'll meet their needs. For the remainder of this course, I was able to use these skills at a higher level.
Once writing project two came around, I would say this was the most challenging because I felt I had a difficult topic. I didn't have much confidence at first but receiving feed back boosted it even more. I was taking in all the suggestions I was receiving and integrating that into my writing and hopefully I did well. Throughout this challenging process, I was able to use multiple resources by integrating them into my writing smoothly. It is important to combine sources because it benefits you to bolster your point with the sources credibility; identify the beliefs and personal explanations of others. This method helps to present logical statements which are subject to challenge.
These assignments throughout the semester was a bit challenging but has helped me use these sources and put them into my writing. I can say that I learned much more than in high school and as a bonus can say that I really enjoyed building this ePortfolio. Though I improved in such areas, there's always room to improve and I'm okay with that. This class has been the most challenging but enjoyable writing class I have taken while in college. I really appreciate the discussions and small assignments throughout this course. It has build my confidence sharing my ideas and writing and also receiving feedback from other peers instead of just receiving them from the teacher. This will not only help me share my work with more confidence but help with communicate professionally. I have learned to become a more efficient writer and acquire myriad of skills that I will certainly use in the future.